Hi ๐ All THIS IS A VIDEO MADE FOR ACQUIRING MORE HELP FOR TURKEY & SYRIA EARTHQUAKE AFFECTED PEOPLE (Through my followers). โ ๐๐๐งฃ๐งฆ๐งค๐๐๐ฉณ๐ My sincere request to each and everyone of you kindly donate items in good condition (do not use this medium for disposal of your waste and torn clothes). โ ๐ The list of items that can be donated is mentioned in the video /Reel. โ #๏ธโฃ Kindly share the news. โ ๐ซ We will collect all the donations( you can donate money directly to the relief funds) and reach Turkish Consulate (Jubilee Hills) on FEB12th 2023 10AM, please reach to us before that. #humanity #calamities #help #turkey #syrian #syria #turkeyearthquake2023 #syriaemergency #naturalcalamity #disaster #disastermanagement #disasterresponse #donation #charity #clothes #donatepay #trending #trendingreels #emergency @rescueman112 @emergencyresponsechannel6592 YouTube calamities,charity,clothes,disaster,disastermanagement,disasterresponse,donatepay,donation,emergency @rescueman112 @emergencyresponsechannel6592,help,humanity,naturalcalamity,syria,syriaemergency,syrian,trending,trendingreels,turkey,turkeyearthquake2023 1 year ago/ progressivecanines/ 11 views You may also like Belgian Malinois puppies... 1 year ago/ 8 views YouTube belgianmalinois,belgianmalinoislovers,belgianmalinoisofinstagram,belgianmalinoispuppy,belgianshepherd,dogs,dogsofinstagram,dualpurpose,explosivedetection,narcoticsdetection,patroldogs,personalprotection,ppd,progressivecanines,protection,protectiondog,puppies,puppiesofinstagram,puppy,puppylove,puppylover,socialisation PSA Trials 2023 in... 1 year ago/ 7 views YouTube Progressive Canines Progressive Canines... 1 year ago/ 13 views YouTube best,dog,dogboarding,doglover,furryfriends,happypuppy,petcare,progressivecanines,reels,vacationfordogs Training your pet at home... 1 year ago/ 13 views YouTube dog,dogcare,dogshorts,dogtips,pets,progressivecanines,rainyday No more rainy day... 1 year ago/ 7 views YouTube dog,dogcare,dogshorts,dogtips,husky,peetraining,pets,progressive,progressivecanines,rainyday Trained Therapy Dogs By... 1 year ago/ 11 views YouTube dog,doglover,dogtraining,pet,puppy Kukur Tihar celebrations... 1 year ago/ 47 views YouTube dog,doglove,doglover,dogtraining,kukurtihar,pet,progressivecanines,puppy «12Page 2 of 2 Previous Video PSA Trials 2023 in Hyderabad hosted by Progressive Canines PSA Club, Hyd & Deccan Dog Club, Pune Next Video Belgian Malinois puppies from Imported and Top Working bloodlines !!!